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Ong Meng Foong

Ong Meng Foong was graduate with Bachelor of Commerce ( Management and Marketing) from Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia in 1997. Since then, They involved in online marketing till 2011.

In 2012 onwards, Ong Meng Foong was involved in teaching English as a second or perhaps as the fourth language to children who could not afford to study English as it become very expensive to do so.

Ong Meng Foong was teaching children English in the rural areas on an on-and-off basis for 4 years. Ong Meng Foong dedicated most of my time to teach English to urban children instead. Not all families staying in the cities could afford English tuition, hence, Ong Meng Foong taught basic English and basic ukulele lessons to some poorer Children.